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Drum Assembly Complete

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The “Apple Eater” grinding cylinder has eight rows of stainless steel teeth embedded into a hard maple wooden drum that is securely fastened to the shaft. It is secured with a steel pin to an aluminum shaft. The end result is a totally maintenance-free grinding device that quickly reduces a box of apples to an easily pressed pulp. Tested and proven to give you more juice from your apples without grinding the seeds or stems, resulting in a clear sweet cider without bitterness. (Note: There may be a problem with this drum fitting an older Pioneer model that had the wooden sides.)

Why Not a Polypropylene Drum?

Polypropylene drums are advertised as bacteria free. This is true, but so are our hard maple drums.

Polypropylene drums are like plastic Easter eggs, they are two hollow pieces that are glued together. As the sealant starts to crack under torque, juice starts to fill the cavity (and leak back out). Eventually the drum just breaks apart.

Why a Hard Maple Drum

Our hard maple drums are solid and double sealed using EZ-DO to form a protective coating to keep the drum like new.  Since it is solid and much heavier, the centrifugal force means less effort with better results.  Honestly, the big benefit of polypropylene drums is they are easier to make, and it is easier to sell you on the idea than it is to make a quality drum.

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