Home / Nut Wizard Medium (English Walnuts, Golf Balls)

Nut Wizard Medium (English Walnuts, Golf Balls)

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Easily picks up nuts and fruits. Just roll over fruits and nuts lying on the ground and the spring wire head traps them inside. To empty, place the Nut Wizard over the wire dumper included, attached to a 5 gallon bucket, turn and the captured items fall right out. Use for general pickup including: large acorns, hickory nuts, pecans, small apple-shaped pears, crabapples, sweet gum balls and more (from 3/4-inch to 4-inch diameter). For larger items like black walnuts, etc., please consider the Large version. Basket: approx. 7-1/4 inches (W) x 5-3/4 inches (Deep), Outside to outside: 10-1/4 inches, 4-foot wood handle.

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